Lincolnshire Conservatives

Horncastle road improvements start

Road improvements for Horncastle start next month

The works in Horncastle will include carriageway resurfacing, junction and traffic signal improvements and construction of a new shared footway/cycleway.

The works, starting on Monday 20 August, will be carried out in three separate phases, with the final set of improvements coming to an end in December.

Cllr Richard Davies, executive member for highways, said:

“All of the improvements we’ll be carrying out over the next few months are essential to the growth of Horncastle and to keeping the town’s road network up-and-running.

“Some of these works form part of the planning permission granted by the local authority for a new housing development, while others are essential planned maintenance works to replace carriageway nearing the end of its serviceable life.

“Carrying all of these improvements out now, as part of one package, will mean less disruption for residents and commuters in the future.”

Phase 1 – West Street resurfacing

The first phase, scheduled to take place from Monday 20 August to the morning of Monday 10 September, will see West Street reconstructed from the junction with Reindeer Close to the Bridge Street/Prospect Street junction.

As part of this, a 24-hour road closure will be in place throughout the works. Daytime parking restrictions will also be in place between 8am to 7pm.

Cllr Davies added: “We’re working closely with Queen Elizabeth’s Grammar School to ensure that vehicle access is maintained for buses and staff for the duration of these works. Businesses along West Street will also be open as usual and access for residents, shoppers and employees will also remain in place.”

Phase 2 – A158 improvements, including resurfacing and junction/traffic signal improvements

The second phase of works will see junction and traffic signal improvements, along with carriageway resurfacing, bridge deck waterproofing and new road markings, carried out on the A158 from Monday 10 September for seven weeks.

Throughout these works, permanent two-way temporary traffic signals will be in place on the A158, along with road closures on West Street and the B1191 Langton Hill (from its junction with Osbourne Way), preventing access onto the A158. Also, no access to West Street or Langton Hill will be possible via the A158 during this closure.

During the A158 resurfacing works, which will take place towards the end of October for two weeks, the A158 will be closed between the hours of 7pm and 6am. As part of the road closure, a signed diversion route will be in place.

A detailed programme of phase two works, including road closure dates, diversion routes and other traffic management information, will be made available closer to the works.

Phase 3 – Langton Hill development access and new footway/cycleway

The final phase of the project is expected to take place for six weeks, between October and December. This phase will see access into a new housing development built, along with the construction of a shared footway/cycleway into Langton Hill that will connect to the existing path.

Traffic management for the final phase of works will include a full road closure from Langton Hill to its junction with the B1191 (with a local diversion and residential and business access maintained).

However, this third phase of works will not start until the A158 works are complete and all traffic management is removed.

Cllr Davies said:

“We intend to do everything we can to minimise the impact these planned improvements might cause, including waiting starting the works towards the end of the school holidays.

“However, due to the nature of the works, there will inevitably be some disruptions. That is why we’re asking road users to consider alternative routes while the works are underway and to remain patient, as any short-term inconvenience will be greatly outweighed by the long-term benefits.”

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