Lincolnshire Conservatives

Eddie Strengiel working hard for birchwood

Eddie Strengiel has been honoured to have served as your Conservative City councillor in Birchwood Ward for 27 years and is very keen to help improve the area for all its residents alongside his fellow Birchwood Councillor Cllr Alan Briggs.

Eddie also serves Birchwood Division on Lincolnshire County Council and he hopes to be re-elected for the third time. With the proposed development of the Western Growth Corridor Eddie is continuing to scrutinise the plans for 3,200 homes on the Western Growth Corridor and is pressing both councils to ensure that the proper infrastructure is in place before development proceeds.

He has lived in Birchwood for 33 years with his wife and they have two married daughters. Prior to moving to Lincoln Eddie served for 24 years in the Royal Engineers and on leaving the army fulfilled a second career as a financial adviser.

Eddie’s main concerns are; the traffic issues in the area, children’s play areas, anti-social behaviour and affordable housing for its residents and he continues to push for a traffic light system at the Pershore Way/Doddington Road junction.

As chairman of the Birchwood Big Local Board, he successfully proposed to his fellow members to fund Speed Indicator Devices on both Birchwood Avenue and Woodfield Avenue. These have helped to reduce speed in both areas.

He also chairs the Birchwood Community Land Trust Ltd board which has helped to oversee the development of affordable housing, mainly for the elderly plus the intention to develop three additional play areas in Birchwood. 

Eddie says; “I believe in the timeless Conservative values of democracy, liberty, family, work (underpinned by a fair tax policy that assists the hard-working person and the business owner), free trade, health and strong security. I stand for our Party and I stand for our Country. I believe that the whole Conservative movement should teach, build and grow our values such as not looking to the State for too much and increasing not diminishing individual freedom and responsibility. I stand ready to help make the voice of the residents of Birchwood clearer and more distinct than ever”.  

“My personal values are that I have a strong work ethic, expect individuals to take responsibility for their own actions and consider it important that the next generation has a positive attitude towards work and education to enable them to prosper through their own efforts; relying on the welfare state should not be a lifestyle option. I support free enterprise, reducing state intervention wherever possible, but equally I strongly believe the disadvantaged in our society should be protected with a proper support structure in place to care for who those who genuinely do need our help. The homeless in Lincoln is one of my particular concerns, and I work as an Advocate for the Nomad Trust through the YMCA and do whatever I can to help”.

“It has been a difficult and trying time for all of us, Covid19 has taken tremendous toll on lives, businesses and social activities, for some more than others. However, we must be resolute in rebuilding the areas of our lives which have been disrupted by this dreadful disease and I stand prepared to assist the residents of Birchwood, whenever and wherever I can”.

Eddie used his COVID grant to provide some much needed benches for the Broomhill Community Centre

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